nstinct is a story-driven first person shooter inspired by real-life events in a mountainous region of North Korea. An elite U.S. Army unit is stranded on a top-secret Korean military installation. The aftermath of the operation crossed the world news flashes on September 9, 2004. Take the role of one of three playable characters in this first person shooter that delivers horror, action, and drama as you uncover the reasons behind the massive viral infection.
Instinct PC Game - This fast-paced first person shooter (FPS) features state-of-the-art 3-D graphics and an intense storyline that engrosses the player in its world. Created by the best developers that the Russian Federation has to offer, Instinctmaintains the deep and vivid story with the original Russian voices. The same appeal that moviegoers have for foreign films is brought to life to create a truly unique experience.
Instinct was developed by Digital Spray Studios and distributed by Noviy Disk. It features High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging, cutting-edge depth of field mechanics, physics with incredible realism, and dynamic lighting and shadows. Instinct allows players to see the story through the eyes of three playable characters. The players step back and forth through time to see every event unfold and uncover every secret of Instinct’s complex, action-packed world.
Instinct was developed by Digital Spray Studios and distributed by Noviy Disk. It features High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging, cutting-edge depth of field mechanics, physics with incredible realism, and dynamic lighting and shadows. Instinct allows players to see the story through the eyes of three playable characters. The players step back and forth through time to see every event unfold and uncover every secret of Instinct’s complex, action-packed world.
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